Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Jesus is the God of Miracles
87 Answers
I have just seen this of facebook and thought you might like to discuss it.
A Muslim man in Egypt killed his
wife because she was reading the
Bible and then buried her with
their infant baby and an 8-year
old daughter. The girls were
buried alive! He then reported to
the police that an uncle killed the
kids. 15 days later, another family
member died.
When they went to
bury him, they found the 2 little
girls under the sand -ALIVE! The
country is outraged over the
incident, and the man will be
The older girl was
asked how she had survived and
she says:-'A man wearing shiny
white clothes, with bleeding
wounds in his hands, came every
day to feed us.
He woke up my
mom so she could nurse my
sister,' she said. She was
interviewed on Egyptian national
TV, by availed Muslim woman
news anchor.
She said on public
TV, 'This was none other than
Jesus, because nobody else does
things like this!' Muslims believe
Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the
wounds mean He really was
crucified, and it's clear also that
He is alive! But, it's also clear that
the child could not make up a
story like this, and there is no way
these children could have survived
without a true miracle.
Muslim leaders are going to have a hard
time to figure out what to do with
this, and the popularity of the
Passion movie doesn't help! With
Egypt at the centre of the media
and education in the Middle East ,
you can be sure this story will
Christ is still turning the
world upside down!
Please let this
story be shared.
The Lord says, 'I
will bless the person who puts his
trust in me.' Jeremiah 17 Please
forward to all on your list and God
will reward you abundantly!!
Mark 8:38 which says, 'Therefore
whosoever shall be ashamed of
Me and my Words in this
adulterous and sinful generation,
the Son of Man shall also be
ashamed of him when He comes
in the glory of His Father with the
holy angels'.
A Muslim man in Egypt killed his
wife because she was reading the
Bible and then buried her with
their infant baby and an 8-year
old daughter. The girls were
buried alive! He then reported to
the police that an uncle killed the
kids. 15 days later, another family
member died.
When they went to
bury him, they found the 2 little
girls under the sand -ALIVE! The
country is outraged over the
incident, and the man will be
The older girl was
asked how she had survived and
she says:-'A man wearing shiny
white clothes, with bleeding
wounds in his hands, came every
day to feed us.
He woke up my
mom so she could nurse my
sister,' she said. She was
interviewed on Egyptian national
TV, by availed Muslim woman
news anchor.
She said on public
TV, 'This was none other than
Jesus, because nobody else does
things like this!' Muslims believe
Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the
wounds mean He really was
crucified, and it's clear also that
He is alive! But, it's also clear that
the child could not make up a
story like this, and there is no way
these children could have survived
without a true miracle.
Muslim leaders are going to have a hard
time to figure out what to do with
this, and the popularity of the
Passion movie doesn't help! With
Egypt at the centre of the media
and education in the Middle East ,
you can be sure this story will
Christ is still turning the
world upside down!
Please let this
story be shared.
The Lord says, 'I
will bless the person who puts his
trust in me.' Jeremiah 17 Please
forward to all on your list and God
will reward you abundantly!!
Mark 8:38 which says, 'Therefore
whosoever shall be ashamed of
Me and my Words in this
adulterous and sinful generation,
the Son of Man shall also be
ashamed of him when He comes
in the glory of His Father with the
holy angels'.
Best Answer
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Did you even read it before you posted it Olly? I'm not trying to have a go at your beliefs but seriously how could any rational person believe any of that. If your God wanted to intervene in that horrible scenario would he not have simply removed the unlucky trio elsewhere, not left them buried alive for 15 days? I know you are supposed to have blind faith, but this is really stretching anyone's belief I would think.
@NOX. It's all right taking that attitude but I find the level of disbelief in some as disconcerting as your attitude towards believers and I say that because I would expect the same attitude from you had I posted the extract below.
"Severely malnourished, dehydrated, deeply traumatised and with festering wounds, the frail slum-dweller's survival was hailed a miracle when he emerged after an extraordinary 27 days trapped in the ruins of Haiti's earthquake, confounding doctors and defying medical logic. It is believed to be the longest anyone has endured such an ordeal."
But then perhaps this story isn't true either?
http ://w ww.t eleg raph .co. uk/n ews/ worl dnew s/ce ntra lame rica andt heca ribb ean/ hait i/75 3068 6/Bu ried -for -27- days -Hai ti-e arth quak e-su rviv ors- amaz ing- stor ml
"Severely malnourished, dehydrated, deeply traumatised and with festering wounds, the frail slum-dweller's survival was hailed a miracle when he emerged after an extraordinary 27 days trapped in the ruins of Haiti's earthquake, confounding doctors and defying medical logic. It is believed to be the longest anyone has endured such an ordeal."
But then perhaps this story isn't true either?
Okay Olly- let's do this properly then shall we since you appear to have taken my attempts to be nice about a frankly ridiculous story you posted as fact to be an unpleasant slight against you.
There are many, many, many instances of people who have been trapped in earthquakes and so on, and no-one disputes that, but that is not the same kind of thing that your little fantasy story is saying is it?
There is a scientific reason that all of the people who survive earthquakes survive, it doesn't involve a frankly American written anti Muslim propaganda story.
I don't believe a word of it, not many people will and you do yourselves no service by making rubbish up like this to back up your own faith. It's clearly written by fundamentalist American right wing nut jobs and you are touting it about as a bone fide fact.
I ask you again for a link please from somewhere this amazing story appeared in the press or on television, but there won't be one, because some naughty little Christian has been lying. To you. To me. To the world. Probably for their own ends, because people only feel the need to do this to further their own agenda.
I look forward to the link.
Actually I'll save you the bother...
http ://w ww.h oax- slay er.c om/e gypt -mur der- mira cle. shtm l
If you are a Christian you will find the one thing that Jesus did time and time again was question everything around him- I suggest you start learning by example.
There are many, many, many instances of people who have been trapped in earthquakes and so on, and no-one disputes that, but that is not the same kind of thing that your little fantasy story is saying is it?
There is a scientific reason that all of the people who survive earthquakes survive, it doesn't involve a frankly American written anti Muslim propaganda story.
I don't believe a word of it, not many people will and you do yourselves no service by making rubbish up like this to back up your own faith. It's clearly written by fundamentalist American right wing nut jobs and you are touting it about as a bone fide fact.
I ask you again for a link please from somewhere this amazing story appeared in the press or on television, but there won't be one, because some naughty little Christian has been lying. To you. To me. To the world. Probably for their own ends, because people only feel the need to do this to further their own agenda.
I look forward to the link.
Actually I'll save you the bother...
If you are a Christian you will find the one thing that Jesus did time and time again was question everything around him- I suggest you start learning by example.
@NOX I have already apologised and asked how it can be deleted which shows a level of honesty. Nowadays science is discovering miracles billions of years after they have happened and our grandparents could easily have taken the same attitude as you had today's scientific discoveries been mooted back then.
Fortunately for us miracles were happening millions of years ago or we wouldn't be here and although scientists dismiss these, when they produce a test-tube baby it is hailed as a miracle of science which for them it is, which only goes to show the wonders of creation which I am happy to acknowledge while others take them for-granted and dismiss them with a wave of the hand. Personally I prefer to have an open mind on these things and acknowledge the wonder of it all.
Fortunately for us miracles were happening millions of years ago or we wouldn't be here and although scientists dismiss these, when they produce a test-tube baby it is hailed as a miracle of science which for them it is, which only goes to show the wonders of creation which I am happy to acknowledge while others take them for-granted and dismiss them with a wave of the hand. Personally I prefer to have an open mind on these things and acknowledge the wonder of it all.
Olly I don't want you to apologise, you have nothing to apologise for- you posted the link in good faith- but that's my point, faith can only stretch so far before it becomes a liability.
You're also saying that 'miracles have been going on for millions of years' but if you believe the bible the world is little more than 6,000 years old. Which is it?
You're also saying that 'miracles have been going on for millions of years' but if you believe the bible the world is little more than 6,000 years old. Which is it?
@NOX. This is what I believe about the earth nox.
http s:// docs .goo gle. com/ docu ment /d/1 Ve5_ N4JC Zp7G 6YKQ srvd JF51 nfpV TMwt 4kyU ETnJ vfE/ edit
Ah ok Olly, I see.
However does that not beg the question if you aren't going to take the word of your holy book literally, how do you know which bits are actually as they are stated and which are not actually true but 'dumbed down' for earlier simpler people. I mean are the ten commandments literal for example since some of them directly contradict other passages in the bible, or is that open to readjustment and interpretation as well?
However does that not beg the question if you aren't going to take the word of your holy book literally, how do you know which bits are actually as they are stated and which are not actually true but 'dumbed down' for earlier simpler people. I mean are the ten commandments literal for example since some of them directly contradict other passages in the bible, or is that open to readjustment and interpretation as well?
@NOX. I think it is our understanding that may be wanting I'm not sure the Bible needs adjusting but rather our understanding. Let me explain. The Hebrew word 'yom' means a period of time and the translators used the word day and as far as they knew they were correct but they didn't have the knowledge we have today.
When you talk about the Ten Commandments and contradictions I presume you mean for example the commandment not to kill and then later on we read where the Israelites were killing people in their thousands apparently on the orders of 'God' having apparently missed the reference to the Golden Calf which was and idol and a false god who the people called LORD.
The Israelites I am sad to say turned to the worship of false gods like Baal and Molech in disobedience of the Ten Commandments and the orders from 'God' came through the false prophets of that particular god and its soothsayers. This comes through when we read which particular 'god' they were worshipping in the context of what was happening. So no interpretation necessary, just a little better comprehension from us perhaps. :-)
When you talk about the Ten Commandments and contradictions I presume you mean for example the commandment not to kill and then later on we read where the Israelites were killing people in their thousands apparently on the orders of 'God' having apparently missed the reference to the Golden Calf which was and idol and a false god who the people called LORD.
The Israelites I am sad to say turned to the worship of false gods like Baal and Molech in disobedience of the Ten Commandments and the orders from 'God' came through the false prophets of that particular god and its soothsayers. This comes through when we read which particular 'god' they were worshipping in the context of what was happening. So no interpretation necessary, just a little better comprehension from us perhaps. :-)
I'm pretty sure my Jewish wife would disagree with the majority of that however, you are entitled to your opinion. However in reference to the word Yom, not many people aside from old earth creationists give it the meaning you describe,and then not until scientific proof forced them to back peddle like mad on their 7 day creation rhetoric.
Even if that were so, again we have the same problems of which bits of your book do you take literally and which do you take figuratively- and more to the point how do you know the difference?
Even if that were so, again we have the same problems of which bits of your book do you take literally and which do you take figuratively- and more to the point how do you know the difference?
Have a look at the Jewish Encyclopaedia and if you click on the names of the false gods at the bottom of the first paragraph you will see where they appear in the Old Testament or the Tanakh.
http ://w ww.j ewis henc yclo pedi m/ar ticl es/8 059- idol atry -and -ido ls
I think you misunderstand me Olly. I'm perfectly familiar with both the Old and New Testament (I used to be a Christian until I saw the light so to speak ;-)
You still haven't answered my question which I posed a few times now- how do you know when to believe what's written there literally and when to think 'oh well they didn't really mean that did they?'.
You still haven't answered my question which I posed a few times now- how do you know when to believe what's written there literally and when to think 'oh well they didn't really mean that did they?'.
The parables are obvious, the Hebrew idioms are harder to understand for example unless you know the number forty which occurs frequently is a Hebrew idiom meaning an unknown length of time, you could think the Israelites were wandering in the Wilderness for exactly 40 years. The fact of the matter is that no one knows.
Something else to know is that for the Israelites, their whole world was the earth and here are some examples:
In Exodus 10:5 that a plague of Locusts "covered the face of the whole earth." Plainly the locusts did not cover the whole globe, they only covered a limited land of Egypt.
We read in Numbers 22:5,11 that after the Israelites were delivered from Egypt and settled in Canaan the scripture says they "Covered the face of the earth." This is simply their way of saying they occupied the land in which they were dwelling.
When Cain went to the Land of Nod the Bible says "Behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth." (Gen 4:14)
When the devil tempted Jesus he took him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. The kingdoms of the world were what they could see i.e. local. (Matthew 4:8)
The same idiom is used to describe the Israelite conquest of Canaan,
Deut 2:25 This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you on the peoples who are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you. Incas and Inuit weren't trembling in anguish, it was the people in the region, Canaanites Moabites and Edomites.
The earth is what we stand on so when we read about the flood covering the whole earth we understand with the knowledge we have that the flood did not cover the whole globe.
I hope this helps. :-)
Something else to know is that for the Israelites, their whole world was the earth and here are some examples:
In Exodus 10:5 that a plague of Locusts "covered the face of the whole earth." Plainly the locusts did not cover the whole globe, they only covered a limited land of Egypt.
We read in Numbers 22:5,11 that after the Israelites were delivered from Egypt and settled in Canaan the scripture says they "Covered the face of the earth." This is simply their way of saying they occupied the land in which they were dwelling.
When Cain went to the Land of Nod the Bible says "Behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth." (Gen 4:14)
When the devil tempted Jesus he took him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. The kingdoms of the world were what they could see i.e. local. (Matthew 4:8)
The same idiom is used to describe the Israelite conquest of Canaan,
Deut 2:25 This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you on the peoples who are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you. Incas and Inuit weren't trembling in anguish, it was the people in the region, Canaanites Moabites and Edomites.
The earth is what we stand on so when we read about the flood covering the whole earth we understand with the knowledge we have that the flood did not cover the whole globe.
I hope this helps. :-)
@ Sir Alec. There are lots of gay Christians but according to what I have read most of them are celibate, but whether they are or not there is nothing to stop them being Christians. We are all God's children and equal in his sight. I think it is the bigots who need dealing with, not gays and I know I cannot make it right but I would like to extend my sincere apologies for the hurt caused.
There are scriptures in the New Testament and I will post them if you wish, but the last thing I want to do is to offend, there has been too much of that already. :-)
There are scriptures in the New Testament and I will post them if you wish, but the last thing I want to do is to offend, there has been too much of that already. :-)