Hi, I have been getting pains in my hands for several months now - when it first started it was just sort of an irritaing pain like you sometimes get if you are using the keyboard too long, then random fingers started to hurt even when I wasnt using the hand, now both hands keep going numb, today i was on the phone and almost dropped it because I couldnt grasp it - and earlier when i woke up both hands felt like when you sleep or lay on your hands and cant move them for a while, they also feel like they are shaking but they are not! It still also hurts if I am typing a lot. My mum recently suffered from smething similar but obv its not something that you can catch! so just wondering if anyone has any ideas, dont really like going to my doctors Ive been twice in 3 years and both times have been made to feel like im wasting their time! Cheers x
A simple blood test could determine whether you have a type of arthritis or not, but I'd ask for a second opinion if your doctor doesn't take you seriously.
Ethel is correct although with your symptoms one would have to assume that the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was bilateral ( both sides) unlikely, but not uncommon.
What is your job, as your symptoms could be due to repititive strain syndrome.
my moneys on carpal tunnel,which can be put down to a form of RSI, my wife has it in both hands although one worse than the other.It appears to affect more women than men . She has tried the various options splints,quarterzone injections with a slight improvement but ulitimately she will end up having a small operation to release the pressure.
I have this and it stems from arthritis in my neck and pinched nerves. More likely to be from the neck if it is in both hands. Even bad back posture can cause neck problems. I would get it checked out by your GP.