@ Khandro - Once again. We were talking about this comment of yours;
"Hoyle is a more reliable scientific source than Richard Dawkins, of whom it is frequently said, isn't a real scientist anyway"
I asked you who it was who said that Dawkins was not a real scientist. I asked you how frequently it had been said.
Read the question again. I asked you for commentators who had said Dawkins was not a real scientist.
You offer us Phillip Johnson - Harvard LAW Professor, the creator of the absurd pseudo-science that is Intelligent Design and principal architect of The Wedge Theory. Who has not actually commented on Dawkins scientific ability or lack of it, but on his atheism and his criticism of Creationism.Who,even had he actually commented on Dawkins scientific ability, would not be judged suitably scientifically qualified to make an authoratitive assessment.
Whose opinion is anyway hopelessly compromised by his own self-evident bias.
So - your offered commentator, your expert witness on Dawkins scientific ability is rejected. Has not commentated on the topic in question, would not be a competent authority to make that assessment, and biased and therefore unreliable anyway.
Your original assertion still unsubstantiated.
So,who else do you offer, out of this list of authoritative qualified commentors who have remarked that Dawkins is a poor scientist?
You offer Alistair McGrath- Promising, since McGrath could be considered qualified to comment.You offer a quotation - but that quotation says nothing about his opinion of Dawkins worth as a scientist. It just criticises his stance on religion.
And thats not entirely surprising is it, since McGrath is a Professor of Theology, a christian apologist, and another commentator who dislikes "militant atheism".Someone who wrote a book that purports to be a rebuttal of "The God Delusion" ,entitled "The Dawkins Delusion" ( funny eh? Laugh? I nearly started). But nowhere does McGrath offer an assessment of Dawkins scientific abilities - which was the point of my question to you. Merely a long-winded apologist rejection of Dawkins atheism.
So - second witness rejected.This time probably scientifically qualified, but who has not actually commented on Dawkins' scientific ability - the point of your initial ,and, as we see -evidence-free assertion.
And whilst we are on the subject of evidence -free ad hominem assertions - What evidence do you have to support your contention that Dawkins is a "mickey mouse" Professor and McGrath a real professor? Who actually says that? Or is that just your bias and your own personal animus showing through again?
You have still offered no evidence to support your assertions, Khandro. You can offer no proper defence of Hoyles absurd proposition - only that scientists are "poe-faced," "unable to understand the poetry of Hoyles assertion", and anyway it should be interpreted "metaphorically."
You have so far offered no support or evidence for your statement that "it is frequently said that Dawkins is not a real scientist".
I suspect the only people who think that are the looneytunes that reject evolution in favour of creationism, and/or those faithheads. offended by his "militant atheism" - People like you really, Khandro. Endearingly pathetic, I suppose.
Anyone else? Anyone qualified and at least superficially unbiased? Anyone to support your offensively dismissive comment about being a mickey mouse Professor?