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rockyracoon | 13:47 Fri 13th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I'm supposed to be putting the doors on the fridge and freezer me and Mr R fitted this morning, this very nearly ended with a saucepan being buried in his head so I'm now too exhausted from using all my energy on restraint.

Some one please give me a kick up the arse. ;)


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consider yourself kicked...
Pah... I've been threatening to fall asleep since about 11am so I say go sit on the sofa and chill out for me as well.
Here you are, rockette (boot...)

Strangely coincidental, I was thinking this morning about when our new fridge arrived and I had to change the door to open the other way. (For no reason, it just came into my mind - psychic, or what?!)
I am convinced that Homo Sapiens is supposed to hibernate in winter.
Wake me up about March. Thanks.
Well he decided to take today off work so you can imagine the amount of restraint I've been using all day!!!

I feel your pain xxx
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Well, I tried and I failed. My palms are getting blisters from screwing poxy nails in (wrongly) so I've got the flippin arse.

There's a reason men are supposed to do these thing.

I need Jack and I need Ginger, and I need them now!
Thank goodness you didn't have a meat cleaver handy ........

Shame to waste a good saucepan though, they are never quite the same if the bottom is dented ;)
Oh no... integrated units with "integrated fascias" as they're called. The work of the Devil, Rocky.

Rest assured........ everybody hates that job as well ;o((((

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