Crosswords11 mins ago
Bit Of Fun.
38 Answers
Just for fun. I got a nerdy 35/35 and most people should get very close to that. Tip. No 19 is probably the one that will catch you out. I hovered over the wrong answer until I remembered who it was.
https:/ /www.zo uiz/can -you-gu ess-the -70s-so ng-its- opening -lyrics ?utm_te rm=msn- uk& utm_con tent=Th ink+You +Know+7 0s+Hit+ Lyrics% 3F+93%2 5+Can%2 7t+Pass +This+Q uiz%21& amp;utm _source =tabool a&u tm_medi um=paid &ut m_campa ign=UK- Zoo-70s Opening Lyrics% 28deskt op%29&a mp;mkcp gn=i600 008357& amp;sg_ uid=lSJ dSCMjRq 63Yqo4U MBXjQ
Even with a couple of educated guesses I just missed out on being a member of the nerd herd 34. I almost tripped up on the carpenters as well.
14:58 Thu 21st Sep 2017