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MariaVerroca | 09:02 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Science
6 Answers
Is the blue part of the flame the coolest part?


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red less hot / blue more hot

If you are referring to the blue cone of a gas flame (eg Bunsen burner), then the part that is actually emitting the blue light is indeed the hottest as mibn2cweus says; but INSIDE the blue cone is the coldest part of the flame since that is where the gas/air mixture has not yet ignited.

no its the hottest u fool.

thats why in a chemistry lesson, wen u aint usin the bunse, u leave it on the orange frlame (less hot and burny)

Actually foolish the yellow flame is still very hot and burny (as you describe it). However, it is much more visible which is why it used as the "safety" flame.
As gen2 says; I suspect the cone is where the explosive nature of the gas (fuel) finds balance with its need for fresh air (oxygen).
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