A study by Lee and Rasamy, published in 2018 reached the following conclusions. (It's the final sentence which is most relevant to your question:
"As the age of men with hypogonadism continues to decrease and the age of paternity continues to increase more men will need to treatment for hypogonadism while maintaining fertility. hCG is a safe and efficacious alternative or adjunct to TRT in men desiring to preserve fertility while treating their hypogonadism. hCG can also be used help restore spermatogenesis in men hypogonadal hypogonadism or steroid induced impairment of spermatogenesis".
Morgentaler, in a report published in September of that year, makes reference to the advantages and shortcomings of hCG treatment, in comparison to conventional TRT, in paragraphs 3 and 4 here:
Those links suggest that hCG treatment might be worthy of consideration but
only under full medical supervision.