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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...

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smixtro | 20:13 Mon 08th May 2006 | Science
5 Answers

I've read up on the 'symptoms' of this and am still unsure whether or not I may have it.

Every now and then (sort of every half hour) I get a VERY painful 'shock' in my right elbow, It only seems to happen when I am typing on my computer a lot (ironical that I'm typing about it now, huh?)

The pain only goes away if I hang my arm loosely by my side for a few minutes.

Any idea if this could be CTS or if it is something else?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thank You




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Hmm it does sound like CTS is a possibility. Hanging your arm to stop it is something that is common in CTS. Although most people have hand symptoms, there can be involvement further up the arm. tells you a bit more about the usual symptoms. Everyone's different though and just cos your symptoms aren't typical, doesn't mean it's not CTS.

Generally, CTS symptoms are exacerbated by bending your wrist forwards for about 30 secs (Phalen's test), if you want to do some self-clinical examination!

You should probably go to see your doctor if it is bothering you or if it gets worse and they can do the test on you for real!

Hope all goes well

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I did the Phalen's test and it made my wrist feel tingly, Like getting the feeling back after it is numb (before the pins and needles)

Had a look on the website and I think I'll have a trip up to my GP tomorrow.

Better to be safe than sorry...

Thank you for your help =)


Ok then, I hope you get some answers. Let me know if you get a diagnosis!

The nerves that supply the hands pass though a small "tunnel" in the wrists called the Carpal Tunnel.

Excessive tightness of the ligaments/tendons surrounding this tunnel causes pressure to be applied to the nerves suplying the hands causing numbness/pins and needles in most of the palm and fingers but not usually the little fingers. If the preessure if applied over a long period of time, such as lying on your hand in your sleep you will be woken up with a burning sensation in the affected hand.

Had Carpal Tunnel syndrome in both of my hands and eventually needed a minor operation to relieve the pressure.

Hope this helps - have never heard of affecting the elbow.

Have you investigated Ulnar Neuritis?

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