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Get your coat, China Doll....
.... your Lab coat, that is. You'll need it if you're going to hang around here for any length of time!And I hope you do.
The Day of The Triffids is one of my favourite books. From what I remember, when they are discussing the cause of the blindness and the sicknesses, Bill Masen supposes that they could be caused by 'weapons satellites' being caused to malfunction by the meteor shower.
The book is written in the 'first person', from Bill's viewpoint, so his explanation is a reasonable interpretation of the events, bearing in mind the situation. However, he has a reasonably scientific mind (albeit, in the bio-sciences), so his supposition makes sense.
In real life, communications satellites etc. are beaming electro-magnetic waves over large areas of the planet, that is true. So if there was a certain frequency of electro-magnetic wave (not necessarily visible light) that could 'burn out' the retina in the eye, and it could be transmitted in a sufficiently concentrated 'beam' - then I don't see why it should not be possible. Like Bill, however, I don't have enough knowledge in that particular field.
Anyway, enough of my ramblings, could you pass me that round-bottomed flask of tea from over there?