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harveygarvey | 10:35 Tue 22nd May 2007 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
it is me again - harveygarvey - love this site.
Anyway any help also on insomnia. Really only get a few hours sleep on prescribed medication but only get this for 3 weeks. Have insomnia on the last one week.
Tried hot milk, alcohol, exercise but to no avail.
thanks again


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You might find this has something to do with the fibro (insomnia)
But if your able to exercise then maybe your fibro its that bad so it might not be related.
try this one! No pills involved. Make sure you are kept warm as you lay in bed. Close your eyes and concentrates on your breathing. breathing deeply and slowly in and out.
empty your mind that is very important. but listen to your own breathing. Learn to relax.
I know this is really stupid but works for me. You might wanna try. Dont laugh though. If I cant sleep, which is pretty often, I turn my telly on but with now sound. I lay there and watch it and before I know it im asleep. Told ya it was silly. Sweet dreams. janex

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