Heathfield I spent a number of years working as a physicist for the UK Atomic energy authority on tokamak fusion experiments at Culham.
I do actually a bit about fusion and if it's all right with you I will knock cold fusion because It's science's Loch Ness monster. Every now and again someone sees some neutron emmission or something "funny" they can't explain and nobody can repeat it - this has been going on for 20 years.
If you think that's credible science but Global warming is not then heaven help us
Despite a background in professional physics I do not consider myself competent to judge the data in climate science.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing you don't have a scientific background but somehow think you are competent to judge the evidence
The Royal Society has a great page on climate change you'll find your issue on temperature leading CO2 under
misleading argument 2