sparklers in The AnswerBank: Science
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bramblepete | 21:48 Mon 02nd Jul 2007 | Science
2 Answers
how do you make home-made sparklers?
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I assume that you are talking about firework type sparklers? The answer is you don't. They need an explosives licence to manufacture them, they contain nasty toxic chemicals such as Barium Nitrate and they are quite difficult to get right. The slurry that the wires are dipped in has to me the correct viscosity and temperature. Also trying to coat the metal powders in them so that they don't prematurely oxidise is another problem. Buying them is cheaper and safer in the long run.
I remember as a kid in the 50s I had a Boys Own book that told you how to do this sort of stuff. Funny how the world has moved backwards.

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