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magic_moo | 00:09 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | Science
42 Answers
how do plants get there?


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okay pottsy what ever you say pottsy
um you know what i really don't give a **** what your saying keep your mouth going cause that's all i see coming from it. just go find some friends and do something with your life. DONT just spend it on here all the time trying to be a really bad teacher because people just don't like you :)

gen2 thank you but it was not a home work question but thank you for trying to help.

at lest there are some normal people around here.
Question Author
oh and you know what else possty you probe use spell check all the time so people think your Mr perfect. which in fact YOUR NOT :) so run along and go find some nerd friends that will let you into their club.
gen2, I like your answer. The fact it was totally lost on magic_moo makes it doubly amusing.
This has been a most amusing thread to follow. How old are you magic_moo?
Question Author
can't i ask a question?
and amusing, whats there to laugh about.. i just asked a question and had dick heads who answer it. :)

newtron: what don't you have a life either like pottsy and have to spend your time on here trying to find gossip and read about it.. poor life you have. and why would i tell you what age i am for all you know i could be any age.
so stick it up your ass both of you :)
bye bye
Big improvement, although I assume ''whats'' was supposed to read ''what's''. Shall we work on capital letters now?
Question Author
oh poor pottsy can't say any thing so has to refer back to punctuation :(
but yes thanks i am getting better :)
but you are getting worse :) so go find some frinds and a life :)
You write 'any thing', do you mean 'anything'? Was 'frinds' supposed to be 'friends'? What do you do at school these days?
Question Author
yes i did spell it wrong :)
got a problem with it.
how do you even know im at school for you know i could be a dirty old man :@
so stick it up you!
Do you mean 'got a problem with it?' and 'I'm'? We'll work on commas and capitals later.
Question Author
who said i wanted to work on commas and capitals later with you :S
go find some one else.
Do you mean 'someone'?
Question Author
no i ment some one :@
i dont have time for you so bye bye.
Buy buy, dont four get two right.
Shouldn't this be in the jokes section???
Question Author
bye :) don't come back again :)

and for you Robb Phoenix don't you think you should get a new name :)

Why are you starting on Robb Pheonix? I think you need to talk to someone about anger management.
Question Author
anger management :S
i have no anger man management going on her see all :)
so i don't know what your talking about.
and I'm not having a go at him I'm just saying why don't you get a new name.
why you having a go at me in the first place?
Question Author
anger management :S
i have no anger management going on here see all :)
so i don't know what your talking about.
and I'm not having a go at him I'm just saying why don't you get a new name.
why you having a go at me in the first place?
hipicrit. *

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