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Jake, I'm sorry, I hadn't realised you replied so long ago! Yes, you have a point RE NASA not feeling they were made of the right stuff if they needed the pill.
I know JNO, as far as I am aware, all missions that have failed and resulted in death has been during take off or landing - I don't know that for sure, only memory.
OK, for the purpose of this film (which is a waste of 90 minutes of you life BTW), say we humans DO have the ability to fly to a planet so far away that it warrants an oxygen garden and all the food and water supplies they'll ever need for a trip like that is on board, don't you think that mabe it would be a good idea to hand something like that to the astronauts?
They've almost made it to their destination, something happens that completely wipes out the oxygen garden and they know they don't have enough to get home (but they have loads of food and water!). Wouldn't suffocating under those circumstances be awful and nomatter what the pro lifers say, taking a tablet to end it, which is going to happen anyway, is a better option?