40mpg is about 14km/l or 0.07l/km which is about 52g of fuel per Km
CO2 has a relative atomic mass of 12 + 2*16 =44 so your output is 225 * (12/44) = 61g /km
So there's a discrepancy of about 20%
Is that the same discrepancy as you calculated or did you miss the second oxygen?
All the same there is a discrepancy - I doubt the hydrogen and the other additives
would make that much difference - I wonder whether the car produces 225g *at* the
same speed as it does 40mpg.
Are you taking both figures from the manufacturers literature or are you mixing your milage
figures with the manufacturers'?. It may be that they are over estimating the CO2 figures a bit
the way that speedometers are set to overread