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I hate snow!

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milly143 | 14:32 Wed 24th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
It hasn't even arrived here yet and I hate it. I am scared of driving in it but all the guys at work think anyone who won't drive in snow is pathetic and they expect me to go along with them so I either have to drive all the way to work and back in fear (someone did crash into me once) or be made to feel guilty that I haven't gone in. Then everyone rushes to the shops and panic buys everything so there is nothing left and I don't have any decent boots - nor the funds to get any until next week. I'm feeling very hurrumph about impending snow. It wasn't that long ago snow would have made me the happiest person on earth! Do you love it or hate it.


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I loved it when I was a child, Now like you I hate it.
Hate it..I would prefer to drive in it than walk in though.

Can't you get a bus into work? The main roads tend to be ok...
I like Snow but the downside is disruption to Public Transport if it gets very bad.
Snow just for Xmas day would be nice so that I can plaster Rowan with SnowBalls !! lol
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Nope. They usually cancel the buses and I couldn't get one anyway. Live in one village and work in another village 15 miles apart. Public transport isn't an option.
Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow

Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun
Will my ice age ever come
That's a bummer then.
I have a phobia of snow so don't go out in it at all now I don't have to. When I was working it was a nightmare.
I loved it up till last year when we had days and days of snow! It was then that I discovered being on a steep icy hill in a car was not fun lol and then I fell over and banged the bottom of my back and declared I hated it!

However, my bad feelings towards snow are beginning to thaw, I'm looking forward to getting a bit of snow again now!!
I think that last year when we had our street frozen solid in ice for 5 weeks got me used to driving in it, it's just the shock when it first starts. We did have a nightmare drive last year when it took us about 5 hours to get home (about 50 mile journey) as they had shut the motorway and most other routes were barely passable. luckily my OH was driving and we had enough petrol to keep the engine running all night if we had to - at one point we did think we were up for a night in the car. As we had all just been to the Rugby, we were all well wrapped up and kids even had sallopettes with them.

We did get fed up with the snow after the first couple of weeks!
I agree, it is ridiculous how everyone runs to the shops, all public transport grinds to a halt and we run out of grit!!
Absolutely love it....if the buses don't run its a 4 mile walk to work and I am like a big kid scuffing through the fluffy stuff in my wellies...usually take my camera and look for some nice views...yes it is disrupting and if it stopped me getting to Wales next week I might feel differently however if it stopped me getting back to work.......
Thats what happened to me last Xmas Milly. Couldn't drive to work specially in sheet ice so my boss let me take the week off. I'm on maternity at the moment but I need to go shopping as my fridge and cupboards are quite bare and make sure I've got enough food for baby before snow hits us.
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I wouldn't usually feel so guilty about not going to work but one of my bosses is my brother and while you might think this would work in my favour, it doesn't in this case. Aside from that, they all drive big heavy vans and are usually going into central London where I suspect the driving is a bit easier. When you have no option but to go through country roads and accross a border line where every year it seems Bucks and Oxford council can't decide who owns the road so it doesn't get gritted.
Last christmas time i had a bad fall halfway up a fell in the Lakes and smashed my leg and i'm still doing physio to get it working again properly.

So if we have ice and snow this year I will be staying home!
Good idea Zeuhl. Its not worth it. Your health is more important than work.
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See Zeuhl, you are the perfect example. Snow is bad - unless you are a child.
If my freezer and fridge are full and I have a blazing log fire and I don't have to go out for a single thing, then I can live with it. On the other hand, if I have to go out I'm like milly, I hate it. wrecked my car on ice years ago, never saw it coming and now I hate driving on snow and ice
I hate it -we have it already but its not lying yet.
Accidents galore further north this morning.
Our holiday flight cancelled while we had gone through security last December -then stranded in Yorkshire and couldnt get up the road for days because of it.Just brings misery for people who have to go out in it.
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Same thing Mazie, I've never had a serious accident but only by luck. A number of times I have started skidding and managed to get control back narrowly avoided other cars or obsticles. Last year someone on the opposite side of the road tried to avoid an accident that had just happened in front of him and in doing so, skidded out and crashed straight into me. Luckily it was very slow so it wasn't too bad but it really scared me.
I agree Dris, no one should have to get stranded in Yorkshire.


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