You're right, mate. Days of pushing and shoving in shops and handing over loads of money. Writing and posting tons of cards to people you see every day. Up early on Xmas day to work like b--ggery. OK, a fair nosh up - but then there's the clearing up followed by the family row. I'm with you.
Caz, what a nice answer - the rest of you can opt out! Why put yourself through the penance? Just say No.
For me there are religious connotations.... so we go to Church and then I enjoy the time with my Children and my joy comes from seeing their faces light up as they open their (limited in number) gifts.
Christmas is to do with 'Christ'....... Happy New Year to you all
Perhaps Kinnies would be so kind as to suggest how one manages to say "Stuff Xmas" when it's rammed down our throats every time we leave the safety of our own house - and even there we're not safe if we do anything as rash as turning the TV on.
Agree with Kinnies - you can actually choose to ignore it. Just do what you feel you want to and never mind what TV, other people or even the church say you have to.
Mine was not a waste. Had a lovely few days with family and friends. Visited my nan in the nursing home and saw how the old people there were so cheered up by the festivities of the day. My mum and dad really enjoyed the lunch I cooked in the afternoon and so did my husband.
Just had an equally enjoyable Boxing Day and feel very chilled out. Not back to work until next Tuesday and looking forward to everything 2007 can throw in my direction.
I would just like to thank Jesus for being born and giving us a fantastic excuse for a celebration - imo there are not enough chances for celebrations and festivities so a big woo hoo hoo for this time of the year.