i've been saving all year for the high street vouchers, i'll get them in november. if i hadn't have got them, i would be spending now as well. trouble is, i always buy the gifts so early, by the time i've got eveyone something - the shops bring out all the shiny things to hypnotise me, so i buy more:( well, not this year!! i cant wait for xmas
I know tonnes of people who start their christmas shopping in the January sales!! My sister in law does it!! there is nothing wrong with being organised!!!!!
I also save for the High Street Vouchers. I have being paying a little extra every week so I hope to get mine in October then I can't wait yippee then I'm off to the shops.
No, you're not alone! My friend in Birmingham has all her Christmas presents already. I'm three quarters of the way there and should've finished in a couple of weeks. Much better than rushing around at the last minute!