"Walking in the Air" is a song written by Howard Blake for the animated short The Snowman, which has been broadcast on TV and published on videotape and DVD; also released as a single, LP and CD. In The Snowman, it was performed by a St. Paul's Cathedral choirboy, Peter Auty. The song was released as a single, reaching number 5 in the UK charts, sung by Welsh chorister Aled Jones.
I was going to say Aled Jones too Ethel, so thanks for that KIDD!
I think it's 'cos I remember Aled Jones being interviewed on telly & it showed clips of him switching from a boy to a man singing that theme tune, but it must have been for his new single.
I know I am a bit late but I was watching the snowman with my niece and nephew at the weekend and was going on to my niece about the 'man' who is on songs of praise singing 'walking in the air' when he was a wee boy! She promptly pointed out to me at the end that I was wrong and it was Peter Auty!