Valentines on a budget in The AnswerBank: Seasonal
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Valentines on a budget

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Mrspoppins | 17:06 Tue 03rd Feb 2009 | Seasonal
3 Answers
I thought it would be a novel idea to put a �5 limit on our valentines day gift to each other. Hubby agreed, but now I can't think of a thing to get him! I've bought his favourite choccie bar but haven't a clue as to what else to get. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!!

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My own personal choice would be to take the �10 , buy bottle of sparkly wine (push the boat out and have champagne if you can afford it) large plate of chips and dish of mayonnaise followed by the chocolate of your choice, warm cosy room , nice music and enjoy ! Forget individual presents. ....Hope my husband of 43 yrs reads this!...

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Valentines on a budget

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