TV5 mins ago
Shopping & Style
were can i get moschion caps wiv the ocean pattern on n the lollypop patern and more ??
Can anybody tell me who stocks Garnier's Movida Tone on Tone Copper Gold? It seems to have gone out of the shops over here in France.
Does anyone 'customise' tariffs for those who don't want 500 free texts a month, or a fancy phone etc.
Does anyone know where I might be able to find discount ski equipment in London or online at the moment? Thanks alot! Jofish.
Hi, Anyone know the brand/designer of the green dress that Jade Goody wore to present "The Friday Night Project" on Fri 21st July 2006?
where can i buy the dress in the boots advert?
does anyone know if sarah jessica parker is bringing out a new perfume any time soon? thanks
Hi, could someone tell me whether Urban Outfitters sell gift vouchers within their stores in London. Also, is there a policy or something where I can only use the vouchers i buy within London only...
Pawsabelle, did you get a sari in the end? How was the wedding?
in bb this year Mickey has been wearing a grey hoodie with a purplish picture on the front. it says a word too, maybe renegade? not sure! does anyone know where this is from cos my boyfriend thinks...
I have purchased several of the 'ong gas type lighters with the electric spark ignition EG Ronson from Tesco, only to find there is never quite a decent enough flame for say outdoor use eg bbq's. they...
I don't know what page, (to be akward) But I was reading it with a friend, and one of the pages had something like "How to be a beach babe" to do with looking your best on the beach. And on the page...
Hi - I know this is a long shot, but about a week ago Bianca Gascoigne was interviewed in The Sun about her appearance on Love Island - they ran a picture of her wearing a pair of royal blue snakeskin...
Hi everyone, Where can I get some good quality, plain, preferably grey tracksuit botoms from? Anywhere but Sweaty Betty. I really don't like their stuff that much. Thank you so much in advance
At the beginning of the F-Word Gordon Ramsey takes off his shirt and tie, it is a white/blue shirt and a tie which is exactly the same pattern, it is a well known designer but I have forgotten who it...
does anyone wants to sell laptops or phones
where can i buy lellikelly shoes from
in england.
Ob wears some great t shirts does anyone know where i can buy them. Thanks in advance
whats the best buys on the market in the beauty/fashion scene at the mo?
This is from a few years ago but whe Halle Berry won an Oscar (2002 or 2003) she wore a beautiful brown dress with embroidered mesh on her top half. I've seen american sites that advertise the fact...