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Just A Suggestion

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granny grump | 18:12 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Does anyone think that it would be a good idea to gave a separate category for the puzzles, Wordle Connections, Waffle and Strands.







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I don't

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Fine just asking 

most folks looking at those puzzles will see them in "latest posts" & crop up first thing every morning...

Yes,yes, a thousand times yes.

What would be the benefit(s)? 


They are posted on the quizzes and puzzles section.

I can't see a need for another section.

What problem are you having?



2 new categories - Gully's posts / not Gully's posts🤣🤣🤣🤣

On reflection, I guess they can stay where they are.  The problem is at certain times of the day they clog up Latest Posts (as do several other topics at times of course).  

My oft repeated request to Ed to increase the length of this panel falls on deaf ears (another forum I use shows the last twenty, six is pitiful).

Barry Gibb (which is probably why I like watching Stevie Riks taking the mick out of him)

Oops sorry, wrong thread (would be good if there was an edit function but hey, it's the 21st century)

Would they not appear in the latest posts regardless of which category they're in?

No no no no, I live for the endless streams of coloured squares and the wisdom they impart.

There are so many of these sort of puzzles that could be added in future  -  where does it stop eh? where does it stop, tell me that!

Worry not, your enjoyment clue not be diminished by a change of category. 

If anything, it would be increased by being in their own wee bubble and not diluted by questions about 8 Down giving an incomplete clue from an un-named newspaper... 

DAVE, DAVE, we're all here for you...have a strong cup of tea and a wee break...

I might start posting the daily LetterBoxed and Spelling Bee 😊

///Would they not appear in the latest posts regardless of which category they're in?///

Exactly, which was the reason for my subsequent post when I realised my error.

I got fed up with Letterboxed and Spelling bee. My favourite is Strands

CANARY, "Exactly, which was the reason for my subsequent post when I realised my error."

Apologies, I hadn't realized it was in code... 

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