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Connemmara | 13:47 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
When and if I get my new kitchen in the future I am definitely not getting a dishwasher as it was not utilised much. Therefore I am asking Kitchen people to make me a deep sink but I am looking for a collapsible dish drainer. Where should I look for one -thanks for any answers.


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conne, if you google 'collapsible dish drainers' you'll find loads of them, amazon, john lewis, b & q to name but a few.
i'm surprised you didn't get along with your dishwasher, what was the problem? i'd be completely lost without mine.
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As I live on my own and dont eat really too good - dirty dishes were being put in but not enough so by Wed or Thursday there was a smell. since I did not an immediate wash - no point in wasting all that powder on a couple of dishes and also I got lazy in putting them away.

I did google what you said but they are plate holders there is nothing on them to hold the knives and forks and spoons.
i see what you mean, although you can get small, slimline dishwashers. there's just the two of us and i have a family size one so ours only gets put on when it's full, sometimes takes three days to fill it. of course it does smell when you open the door to put more dishes in, but that's the nature of dishwashers even if you leave them for one day. and once it's done it's cycle the smell's gone.
perhaps you could put the cutlery into a plastic tumbler on the dish drainer? they'd drain very nicely. that's what i do when i'm away in my caravan without my trusty dishwasher.
there are half drawer ones out there - not cheap but Fisher and Paykel make a brilliant one that is ultra quiet - you only have to set off one half and that is most useful but you have the second half if you have company.........

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