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Where does the tradition of women wearing skirts or dresses and men wearing trousers come from?

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dave50 | 15:43 Mon 22nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Is it to give men easier access to have sex when women wear skirts or dresses?


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Men still wear skirts in Scotland.
I am wearing one now.
-- answer removed --
I'm guessing that if you go back far enough men wore tunic type things too with a hose. However, riding off to battle in a tunic I should imagine was pretty uncomfortable (all that chafing) so from the hose came trousers. I have no idea, its just my best guess.
I doubt very much it is a tradition, if it was for easier access then the men would be wearing skirts too surely?
ummm, it's KILTS unless you're Tony I s'pose :-)
I was thinking about Tony when I posted :-)
Kilts go back only as far as the end of the sixteenth century, though...
Tone and his goats go back further though.

lol ummm x
And kilts were only worn by the gentry in the beginning - the common scots man wore a plaid.

Which is a strip of material wrapped around the body to form a skirt and a covering for the top half - it was then unwrapped and slept in wrapped around the body in a different manner
Shhhhaaaaaddddappp. I have tried to avoid this thread lol.
Alba - please could you head over to Jemisa' thread about Strictly. Chaptaz and I need your expert opinion.

Sorry, dave, but this is urgent.
Men used to wear short dresses,but for deceny's sake they now wear trousers.
Are vou trying to say Scotland has more than its share of trannies ummm.
Hadn't the ancient Greeks and Roman men used to wear skirt type clothes ?.
Togas Tone, togas, not skirts :-D
The Roman soldiers didn't wear Toga's though did they ?.
lol true, they wore skirts

<legs it>
LOL ^^^^.

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Where does the tradition of women wearing skirts or dresses and men wearing trousers come from?

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