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White vinegar

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pruney | 23:37 Fri 24th Jun 2005 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Is white vinegar the same as white wine vinegar? If not, where can I buy white vinegar?


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All vinegars ( French vin aigre, sharp or sour wine) are made from fermented alcohols of one kind or another.  White vinegar is made from a grain-alcohol mixture, whereas white wine vinegar is made from white wine (clever, no?).  Being in the U.S., I can tell you where to find either, or various baslamics as well, but it would be quite a hike...
Tesco sell white vinegar, its right next to the brown kind.
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Thanks to you both. Will go to Tesco today and buy copious amounts for my new cleaning scheme a la Kim and Aggie
Beware of the difference between "non-brewed condiment" (often also called white vinegar), and white wine vinegar.  White wine vinegar is made by oxidising wine - letting the alchohol convert to acetic acid.  This keeps a lot of the flavouring of the original wine.  Non-brewed condiment is made from synthetic acetic acid diluted with water and therefor flavour dependant only on added flavourings.  White wine vinegar is best for cooking, non-brewed condiment is excellent for making pickles.

'White vinegar' often refers to distilled vinegar (usually malt vinegar). Distilling removes the colouring and much of the complex flavourings (other than the acetic taste obviously) and also makes it more acidic by increasing the concentration of the ethanoic acid. Thus it is much the same as non-brewed condiment in some respects.

I tend to use this stuff for cleaning windows, descaling etc and rarely in cooking, except for pickling.

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