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I Didn't Realise I Had So Many....

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Tilly2 | 08:42 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
83 Answers
pair of socks. I have just emptied my washing basket and consequently have put 28 pairs of assorted coloured socks in the washing machine.

I still have socks in my sock drawer, I haven't run out or anything. How have I managed to acquire so many socks? (These are just mine, not both. My husband has about fifteen pairs)

I dread to think, or count, how many white tea-shirts I have.

Do you have a surplus of any items of clothing?


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I was a Sikh for a while when I lived near Manchester. But there's no place for a Sikh in Hyde.
08:58 Sun 28th Apr 2013
A turban.
Knickers !! Why do I have so many ?
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Like you Tilly, probably socks. I have a draw that seems to be packed with socks, perhaps I ought to have a sort out.
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I've got a surplus of clothes with tags on that I will never wear.
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Why won't you wear them, Evian? Are they too big/too small/old fashioned?

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Yeah, knickers is another one

Not turbans, though. I don't have surplus turbans.
FAO Evian. Why not organise a nearly new sale and if you don't want the money, give it to a charity of your choice.
Oh has shirts jumpers etc still tagged that I bought ten years ago or more...won't fit him now .....insists on continually wearing tatty old sweatshirts ..
Most I bought because I liked but then decide they're just a bit too fashionable for me.

I did have a clear out last year but I appear to have stocked up again. I need to wait until the summer is over before I can be certain I really won't wear them.
I was a Sikh for a while when I lived near Manchester. But there's no place for a Sikh in Hyde.
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Very good. Zacs! I might give you best answer for that.
Go on then.....;-)
Hi Tilly...jeans and black trousers for me...x
We had a girl at Uni who had 31 pairs of knicks in her drawers, one for each day of the month....this was discovered in a a raid on one of the women's halls of residence to put up a huge washing line from the second floor of a long, curved Georgian terrace, the girls all in for a formal dinner, the dining hall being on the back of the building overlooking their garden.
i have loads of socks

all odd ones, no pairs (courtesy of my washing machine)
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I think I can beat 31 pairs of knickers, DTC. I hope they were washed before they were strung out on the line!
it took 30 of us to do the bust on the hall (conveniently having a copy of the master keys to the Hall (all the female halls in practice)....
I wish some of my knickers and socks would wear out so that I can buy some new and different ones. They seem to be lasting forever. I would feel that I am being extravagant if I buy new before the others gasp their last.

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I Didn't Realise I Had So Many....

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