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Georgiesmum | 19:03 Thu 17th Oct 2013 | Shopping & Style
42 Answers
A new Aldi store opened in our town today. What are your favourite ten things to buy at Aldi? Ive never been in one before.


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Ooops - what happened there ??? Anyway - try again :

Gold Label Tea

Fruit & Fibre Cereal

Wine (see my previous posts ad nauseam)

Some of their pizzas are good (usually the 'specially selected' ones)

Ground Coffee is good, but the instant is not to my taste

Their Free Range (whole) Chickens are a serious bargain - and very good

They do an excellent big Pork Pie - in the gingham patterned box - very good indeed

Non Bio washing liquid - I won't use anything else now

Fruit and Veg is good - but limited in variety - some people think that it doesn't keep as well as other supermarkets - I'm happy enough with it though

Cheese biscuits and nibbles are interesting (and cheap) - try a few for size - I love their Chilli Peanuts (the ones in a crispy shell) - addictive.

They've got some Indian stuff on offer this week - Peshwari Naans and tins of Saag Aloo, Dahl and Bombay Potato - all good for a quick lunch.

The checkout system is great (and very fast) if you understand it - don't pack at the till, get everything back in the trolley & pack at your leisure by 'the big shelf'. It only falls down when people try to subvert the system by packing as they go - JUST DON'T .. please :+)

dave xx

And, always keep an eye on their website - so you don't miss any of the
upcoming "specials":
I only went in our local one once. There was no music on (might sound like an advantage, but it made the whole place really depressing) it was cold because there was no heating on, the freezers were all leaking, I couldn't pay with my debit card (although I believe you can now) and the whole store was so cluttered it put me off forever. No thanks!
I love their weekly specials. I`ve got a whole load of stuff in my cupboards and garden shed that I bought from Aldi that I don`t need. Very clever marketing.
You can pay with debit (but not credit) cards now.

The lack of music is 'music to my ears' ... I agree it can get a bit cluttered, but I'd rather have that than the vast acres of megatesco etc.
Yes 237SJ - me too - I couldn't resist the radio controlled projector alarm clock for £4.99 today ....
Their plain and chocolate digestive biscuits are the best in the world, MUCH better than McVities and half the price. Also, all their dog food, both tinned and dry is very good though I don't eat it personally!!!!
I'll give it a go we have one opening in November - I had the same experience as LyndaB - but will give it another go as everything changes
If you like them on FB they will let you know when they are having their '£5 off £40 worth of shopping' - ou have to us a paper, I think it's the Sun. The voucher is valid for a week so I buy two papers and stock up.
The Mirror/Record sherr.

Usually the last Thursday each month
85% choc
Cat and dog trays
Smoked salmon...and other smoked fish
Frozen fish
Some fruit and veg...vine tomatoes are good as are aubergines,cauli...but fruit does not seem to last too well.

I also like lidls...very good meats,and more variety in veg. Mine also has a new bakery.
Jars of sundried tomatoes and jars of stuffed peppers
Any and all of their fancy cheeses
Dauphinois potatoes in the chilled and frozen section
Hand wash, the clear stuff not the creamy stuff
Laundry liquid
All their veg especially when on offer, just buy it and use it
Thin pizzas, the fancy ones
Most of their biscuits (not tried them all)
All the basics...milk, eggs, ordinary cheese, flour, etc.
Flowers, they last ages and are really good value especially the roses
Wouldn't buy their beans again, thought they were disgusting. Didn't like the three bird roast as the stuffing tasted funny like bath salts or something. Not over keen on their grapes as they're tasteless.
How could I forget the Italian anti pasti. And...their oliveoil was judged as good as Phillipo Berio(sp)
Plain chox. Washing up liquid, which is so concentrated it lasts for ages.
Ice creams, especially the ones in little cube-shaped boxes with lids, which when empty are immensely useful for storing nuts and bolts, beads, buttons.
Keep an eye on their special offers, which only last until they have sold out. Computers, televisions, sewing machines, camping gear, lawn mowers - all sorts of big stuff which is decent quality at very decent prices.
Rarely shop anywhere else now, G...for all the reasons given and especially because I don't have to listen to awful music....and I don't spend long in a queue...x
tinned chopped tomatoes, passata, cheap fresh seasonal fruit and veg.
I buy their childrens yoghurts, peanut butter and their milk chocolate as these are all good and stated as being gluten free. This is very uncommon in other supermarkets and with branded products.
Their soaps and shower gels are good .And their Rockstone Ridge white zinfadel wine is yummy. and lastly their fruit drink cartons for pack ups are good value,so are their crisps and nuts..
I would suggest you just go and have a wander round. There are different bargains at different times. It depends on what you like and what is on offer that day.
We don't have a local Aldi or Lidl but when I get the chance to go I get the plain nut chocolate bars and assorted nuts. Look out for offers on toilet rolls and kitchen rolls. Fresh fruit and veg, Sugar, Jam and tins of Salmon, pilchards etc. I always end up spending more there than I do on a normal shop at Asda.
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We dont have an Asda near us. Ive only been in one once and that was 20 years ago.

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