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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Good -oh Woofy :)
I have just woken up, we went for a long walk then lunch (3 courses + bread and alioli) wine and lemonade, and both settled in the lounge to watch From Russia with love - I missed the lot. Am in bed now as himself is watching footy or some such! Midwife a bit later, goody.
Evening each. Just caught up on your pots, pans, cooking and weather chat. It's buckets all day here again. After ironing and catching up on house work yesterday I decided to laze today. I nipped to see a friend for a coffee and some lunch after watching Nadal put on a very brave effort in Australia. When I got back I watched some more football and actually finished the Skeleton crossy. That usually takes me until Tuesday to do. I watched the Constable painting programme which I found note resting and that's it for me and the telly for today. But yes lazy I have been.
So that's me done for the day. Boring aren't I :) oight oight all. See yer tomorrer!
I am just recovering my my wine lunch. Am sitting in bed eating a Spanish version of a Pot Noodle, it is supposed to be oriental, but is more like chicken noodle soup, but I am enjoying it.

Yes jude, poor Nadal, what a shame, he was clearly unwell.

Later gators!!!
Oh dear, the blonde midwife is a different person, hmmm!!!
or is it, I can't make up my mind.
I think it is this week but wasn't last week....I reckon they changed her haircut to fudge over the change of actor.
Ah, good, there are similarities though.
Says it's Helen George, the same person! She had a fatter face.
golly, she looks nothing like herself!
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Same actress ,she's just had her hair done differently .
The Guardian says
Trixie will sport a new "pixie" haircut for the third series of Call the Midwife in the new year. "It got to the stage where my hair was so curled and damaged by being bleached it had to be cut off," George said.

I felt like a boy for so long afterwards, but I am getting used to it now. It makes sense for 1959 and for the character too, as Trixie is the one who tries to reinvent herself. The East End lagged behind the styles revolution in the rest of London. She is the one that brings that into Poplar. She models her hair on Jean Seberg's in the film The Mouse That Roared.

Oight Oight .

I have drunk too much coke tonight and i am both tired and wired...
and now I am up with a puppy with the runs. This is Not Good. Thankfully it looks like it is only the runs and we won't be visiting the vet in the middle of the night. Touching wood with crossed fingers.
Hi Woofy. I'm awake too! Hope your pup settles down soon and you can get back to sleep.
Morning all, just sitting with friends having a coffee. Went to hairdressers but my one is in holiday til next Monday!
How d'ya's hair do day for me today too...
♫...doo dah, doo daaah, day..♫

haha, I'm going slightly mad, it's the weather....sooo cold.

Hope you two got some sleep, I didn't have a very good night.
Mornin all! I went to sleep eventually! Now I'm getting ready to go to Live at Lunch In Nottingham. It's story telling today not music. It's usually entertaining, sometimes funny and sometimes sad stories. Then having lunch in John Lewis cos Pierre Bistro is being renovated or whatever the word is.
Robi, do you go to the hairdressers in the precinct? I've been going forever!!
Have a good day everybiddy!
had a very warm night as I forgot to turn the electic blanket off. Looks very bright out but

When sunshine you see in the morning
Storm clouds will soon be a-forming.
Good morning all, we are just about awake here and I have got one very sleepy pup who is making large amounts of gas....I know TMI. Quiet day today here I think...don't want accidents in the car.
No Jude, many years ago my previous neighbour introduced me to the luxury of a mobile hairdresser and I've had them ever since. The one I have now is a lovely girl, I've got to know her very well, and vice versa... she knows what I do and don't going out in the cold...and half the price of a salon where you get passed around various staff.

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