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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Morning all
Lovely sunny day .Make the most of it ,looks as if the storms are coming back .
Hope you're all ok .
Lovely sunshine here but a tad chilly for paella on the beach. Still waiting at hairdressers its packed even though I have an appointment.
Morning(just) all ...oooh, bitterly cold wind & the sun's disappeared. Just as well really, it was an excuse to put my hood up & cover my's gone a bit flat today, I've got that tweedy, village biddy look going on. All I need now are some brogues and a budgie.

Chs on tst now I think & a read of my bargain 40 yr old hardback book,'s Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales, haha. I loved them when I was small, I'll read them to baby moondust before he's old enough to understand what the heck I'm saying...actually even my older grandmonsters used to look at me as though I'd been beamed down.
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Lol ..don't have your hood up while reading to him Robinia .....
Ooh Grandma what big eyes you have .....all the better to see you with my dear :)
It's bitterly cold here too in spite of the sunshine .
haha, no shaney, I'll have my sequined hairnet on :)
good afternoon all. We had a hunting round the garden night last night then a good lie in. V windy here today.
It looks like the hunt has been through my garden, it's very bumpy and post winter :(
Love my hair, just short and modern but long sideways fringe and my roots at the back don't show!! Half an hour late, but she only takes half an hour to do it all, 12€ paid in advance by hija!!

Mr N has unpacked all the shopping, I could get used to this. Very chilly here even though the sun is shining.
Really cold and windy here, can someone tell Iain Duncan Smith please!
Just googled Oscar Wilde's fairy tales, they are not for children, they are sad fairy tales!! Some grandma you are Robi!!!
Well I had them as a child so that'll explain why I is the way I is then.
Yep, that explains it! Poor Baby Moondust!!!!
Old lamb stew was super delicious tonight, all washed up (!) bathed and in bed, lovely !
I have found the Oscar Wilde fairy tales on kindle so will read them and report back. had a lovely sunny paella for tea tonight. The usual rice saffron and stock base with chopped red orange and yellow peppers in it and some rather good frozen king prawns. Completely delicious and very cheering.
I've got a rather odd book of fairy tales that I bought in a book sale. The stories are told and illustrated in 1920's style, very similar to PG Wodehouse only not written by him. I will look out the details.
I'm still reading The Great Gatsby. I'm on my third reading of it. I still don't properly understand it. I haven't seen the film and mot going to until I 'get' the story.
Visited my aunt and uncle this morning. They're in their 80s and I was so sorry for them as their eldest granddaughter (15) is in hospital with anorexia. It is so upsetting for her and all the family.
I'm off to Tai chi tomorrow then the usual ladies wot lunch.
Hope you all have a good night. Oight oight!!
Whoops! I have a feeling mot is a bit of a slang word for something! Sorry all! It should have been 'not'
I have given upon the Great Gatsby more times than I can remember.
Robi, I have been reading the Oscar Wilde stories.....they are very Oscar Wilde aren't they?
The dogs have been out hunting in the garden in the pouring rain. this means a delay in going to bed while they dry off a bit. They do enjoy it though.
oh, I liked The Great Gatsby, it took less time to read than to watch the Robert Redford film.
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I'm still ploughing through The Cazalets .Some bad reviews for the last book so have ordered it from the library .Apparently she got some of the characters relationships muddled in it .Only to be expected though I suppose as she was pushing 90 when she wrote it and it was a long time since the last one .
No paella here ,we had liver and baconella with mash and sprouting broccoli.
Hope you've all had a good day .Oight Oight .
went for my annual outing to the cinema today, choosing a film that I thought wouldn't have too much dialogue for me to fail to hear. Anyway, it was Gravity, on an Imax screen in 3D and it was utterly utterly stunning.

Now I am sitting here with a Chivas Regal, of which I accidentally poured too much, and waiting to feel sleepy. Tomorrow Harriet can try to hammer my neck bck into place (again).

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