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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
The garden will catch up. Its better than it used to be, when we moved here, the water used to run downhill through the gardens and I had to lift a manhole cover in my garden to drain it. The man opposite had fun, his garage was sideways on to the flood, it used to run into his garage along the side through line of the dampcourse (ha ha) flood the garage, till it overflowed out of the front under the door.
Yes our land runs dwnhill and all the water (swimming pool too when emptying) runs out of ours and into the little lane and hopefully into the neighbours in front!

Mr N has been working all day so I felt a little guilty (not too much though) when he came home & fell asleep, heard me pottering and took over roasting more taties and served up another wonderful dinner, I sat there watching TV, well, I've done it 40 yrs.
yes jno, the internet lorry managed to disembarque here so we are at full strength again, having had a bucket of internet delivered to my villa.

hope it was a big bucket Neti!
oight oight all

p.s. jno, I'll see you in my dreams!!!
good, I have had a summons to the Palace. Two palaces, actually, Kensington and Hampton Court. After our efforts to revive the Tower of London as a tourist trap, they want us to look at more of their properties next month and offer further advice on what they're doing wrong. Just in the afternoon, though, so we probably won't be getting a warm meal to critique this time.
posh afternoon tea jno? I spent many summer afternoons at the State Apartments as a child. they had beautiful real tremblant jewellery in a case on the upper floor of where the trompe l'oeil mural is and no one guarding it but a nice old bloke in a commissionaires uniform. Princess Margaret's wedding dress was there tiny it looked like it had been made for a child. I know times move on and security must be increased and the "visitor experience" brought up to date, but I loved those charge of course, I just used to hop on the bus and go on my own. I loved the museums too. They were still dusty and empty and free....
the Crown Jewels didn't seem heavily guarded, just a few old chaps ready to answer questions (they needed to because there wasn't enough information on the walls). But there was probably an entire platoon of SAS lurking in the shrubbery in case you tried anything funny, plus there was any number of 18th-century cannons ready to be trundled up at an hour's notice.
Just looked out of The window and it's
bluddy raining again!!!
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Morning all
Dark out there but quiet now after an awful squally night sloshing with rain and blowing a gale .Just having a cuppa and tst before going to the market.
How lovely Jno ,perhaps you'll meet Lucy at Hampton Court .
See you all later ,over and out for now .
Good morning all. dark and grey here and bluddy freezing. Mr N wants to watch golf instead of doing the shopping, so I am at a loose end, so will have brekkie and then go for a coffee for a change!!!

Had a really weird dream which made me uncomfortable but can't remember it now thank heavens!
Sitting here having a coffee. Sun was out then went in again so is slightly chilly.
Good morning all, bright and windy here. We had another noisy night which the dogs didn't like so we stayed up and watched a film and the dogs hunted the garden....Its odd, they get restless and unhappy indoors when the weather is noisy but are quite happy to go out and hunt in it....
Morning all...bright but very cold wind

ooh, one little biddy went to market :) This little biddy is going too...well, shops not market.
The tower needs us as 'store detectives', one whiff off suspicion and it's orf with their heads...
morning Robi. jno, don't they have a conveyor belt thing now at the Crown jewels?
We'd be trying all the jewellery and crowns and clothes on!!!
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I would try on all the tiaras :)
It's a lovely day here now ,bright and sunny ,but very windy .Absolutely freezing in Beccles though ,the wind was blasting across the fields enough to cut you in two .
had lovely hot lunch, fish fingers and frozen roast potatoes. Its blooming cold here.
Thanks Shaney for the BA! When I eventually got up it was a sunny but cold freezing morning so me and Fuschia went for a long walk round the Castle, down the country lane near by and back home. Felt really good after that and the week of wet weather we've had.
Hope you all have a good weekend whatever you're up to. It'll be Football for me as usual the Rams are playing away so I'll be ironing while listening on Radio Derby.
And the sun is still shining!!!
Our lovely ibicenco neighbour has just given us a huge crate of delicious oranges and dozen fresh farm eggs, so I've been squeezing loads and put the juice into bottles.

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