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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
will you be on one of those new tracks that goes across bridges that aren't there any more?
hope not jno, jude enjoy your day. very noisy night here, getting bore with typing that now...we are going out in a bit.
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Morning all
Quieter night last night but dull out there today ,..what's new .We got off pretty lightly here really but the river was very swollen yesterday when I went to Asda .It's right on the edge of the river and the Breydon Water and it was lapping into the car park a bit .But I soldiered on and got me shopping .Big stock up on non food , heavy things and ding dinners :)
We lived on a flood plain in London .We moved from downtown Wimbledon up to Lower Morden to a bigger more modern house which backed onto the Beverley Brook which is a tributary of the River Wandle ,which wanders all over that area .From Croydon up to Wandsworth .It was marshland originally and cattle were kept there .It did flood once but at the back of the houses was a massive flood meadow which contained it .That meadow was a really well kept secret round the area. Absolutely teaming with wild life .I once saw a kingfisher in the brook and there were lots of herons ,squirrels and the inevitable London foxies.
Considering we were just off the B279 you would have thought you were in the deepest country side wandering around over there .Shaneys old walkies ground ,bushes loaded with blackberries in the late summer and knee deep in buttercups in the late spring and early summer They used to cut it once a year .Big mowers would come in and bale it all up for hay .The frogs used to run for their lives !
Hope you're all ok today .Have a lovely time Jude .Years since I was in Brighton . .Don't sit on the beach :)
Have a good time Jude, pin yer hat on tight!

My mum lived through bad floods in Nottm in the 40s...apparently my bro thought it was a great adventure, living upstairs and lowering a basket to passing rowing boats who brought emergency supplies. :)
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Yippee....I just checked the winners on the Lovatts crosswords site and I've won £100.
Scuttles off to Debenhams
ooh, well done shaney!
well done, with money like that you won't be needing Asda-Super-Mare any more, it'll be all Fortnum & Mason now.
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Lol...I'm very chuffed although not so chuffed with Proctor and Gamble .
I've emailed them about the fact that there is not one packet of Dreft to be seen in any shops and want to know if it has been discontinued .All I got was a standard load of waffle and did I require a dosing ball ...Tut... no I don't ...I want to know if it's been discontinued or not and would you please answer my question in words of one syllable ..Yes or No ......Grrrr.
well done shaney, I'm coming over hang on!

Big spansh lottery tonight 62m so have forked out for that too, well one never knows.

Mr N went trotting off to his job today, so I was up early and have cleared out all the laundry room, where does all this rubbish come from? Have dumped it all and then started on the diningroom/computer room. Only a set of 6 shelves but took forever, there was so much on it that it was leaning dangerously into the room, so I emptied it and turned it round and all is well, sorted loads of yet more rubbish and it's looking good now. I also hot washed the bedding early this am as it takes a couple of hours in the machine. Have to go and cook dinner for Mr N soon, am just having a cuppa but am finding it hard to get up now and am so stiff, should never have stopped.

Bad news, they have moved the BBC satellite and we now cannot get BBC of any description, I am so upset.

I suppose Ken Barlow will come back from Oz now??
Oh I am aching all over, my knees are screaming, bit am glad I did it all. More tomorrow.
It's OK, I like talking to myself!
By 'eck, that George Gently's good stuff.

Sorry to interrupt you neti, please carry on...
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Brilliant .I love Lee Ingleby.
We had a weather miracle and I managed to get out to the was pretty good, not amazing but pretty good and the people I went with are lovely. I had supper in the fridge ready to pull out (sushi and white wine) and the dogs had some cold chicken, then we shared a punnet of strawberries. Lovely. Watching George Gently now while digesting.
watched an interesting programme about the WW1 royal cousins - Wilhelm, Nicholas and Geroge. Nice dry, witty narration, some lucid historians interviewed, and no dumb reconstructions. Now watching some cricket in the hope it will make me sleepy.
good morning, Mr N has gone off to work again. He is self-employed but feels he should go in at the same time as the other workmen, so I am awake at this ridiculous time.

Oh dear am missing BBC and I think we are losing ITV soon, even though we have Sky, we only have a small dish (over here to receive all channels we need a 1.8m dish which is 2,000€ and probably bigger than the villa) we only get some channels, luckily I can watch on tinternet but the connextion on the island is very dodgy. woe is me and twice woe!!
I hope you are all well ahd safe and DRY!! (not alkyholikly)
Morning all...sunny, breezy & cold after a quiet night...well, weather-wise it was quiet, shame the same can't be said for neighbour-wise, tut. Maybe they need to show the little screamer some sleep inducing cricket videos.

Yes shaney, Lee and Martin are a good team...and what a great performance from the little lad who played Robbie, his first part by the look of it.

Oh dear neti, no BBC, that's not good...all the best gardening programmes are on there.
Good morning all, its a bright sunny day here. We are sat around coming to. None of us can do late nights lol.

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