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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Frying pans ain't wot they used to be tasted much better, no non stick and everything fried in a sea of lard :)
and did those feet in ancient times walk upon Norfolk?
Its amazing what the storms have uncovered isn't it?
I'm taking their word for it that they are footprints, they look like holes in the ground to me. Unless they've found Clarks written backwards on one of them.
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Lol..that was on the local news tonight .They discovered them last year but have only just analysed the results .It's possible I suppose .And did those feet in ancient times ....haha.
A bit in the Guardian article says that Norfolk hominids were related to people from Atapuerca in Spain .
Probably an old Ibizan hippy trekking from Eastbourne :)
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Ah yes, the lad playing the older brother in George Gently was Finn Burridge .
I thought I recognised him .He played Arthur in The Paradise .
He's got a lovely cheeky face .
we have the weather back here. Fed up fed up.
shame the footprints were washed away almost as soon as they were found.

Shaney, the Royal Cousins at War thing was shown on consecutive nights, Wednesday and Thursday. No doubt still on iPlyer somewhere.
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Oh damn ..I'll have to make a note of that or I'll miss it .Thanks Jno .
I watched the first one last night on catch up and thought the second part was next week !
Goodnight all.Sleep toight .
its hooleying and pouring here and the dogs are out in the garden hunting. When we had that first lot of evil weather in october they were terrified...melatonin is brilliant stuff!
first attempt at going to sleep failed. Try again shortly.
Good morning!

Ibizan hippie.???.. I'll have you know that even at my heaviest weight I could not have sunk through rock!!!! It is interesting though isn't it?

Mr N has gone off to work at 8am again even on Saturday as he thinks because the other workers who are under contract are working he should too. Well life as I knew it has vanished. No BBC, no Sat shopping, no brekkie in a cafe, oh well, not getting up too early today to clean and sort anything.

Bit chilly out so am having a cuppa and back in bed with Sky News!
Halfway through George Gently, not sure I'm quite with it!!
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Morning all
Awful wind and rain roaring all night again but it's sunny at the moment .
Hope you're all ok .
Have you got your teevee sorted Neti ?
Neit, I thought it was me...most confusing that one.
We had a noisy night last night but mostly slept through it once they had finished hunting the garden. They came in as soaked as if they had been swimming, so wet that they weren't muddy. They were so pleased with themselves though. The house is full of wet muddy towels, thank goodness for washing machines. In other news, I have had my water bill in and they have reduced my payment again, and the results if my recent squashing are back and all clear. I had no reason to expect anything else but you do worry a bit till you hear, at least I do. I had one of those heir hunter letters today. The company are genuine....don't think its me they are looking for but you never know do you?
and finally.....cannot work out why I ever liked Vesta Chow Mein, it used to be a treat when I was a teenager.
sorry, where are my manners!
Good morning all, hope nobody has been washed or blown away.
Afternoon...cold, wild wind but mostly bright at the moment so musn't grumble...spent half the morning mooching about, convinced it was Sunday, d'oh! Good thing I'm not going anywhere. I expect my addled brain is down to a couple of bad nights, the town crier in training next door was at it again. I've got a sore throat/sinuses/earache today too, I suppose it had to get me sooner or later, the whole world seems to have had it.

lol woofy, that's spooky, only yesterday I saw some pics of Vesta meals and thought I fancied one...I'll think it out again.

No shaney, can't sort the teevee out as we need a 1,8 metre dish which cost about 2,000€ and I doubt the villa old villa could support the weight. So we are at a bit of a loss right now.

I have sorted out the wardrobe, took much longer than the laundry room although cleaner. All jeans and trousers labeled for fat days and thin days! Shirts, tees, cardis and sweaters all in sections and a lot of jackets bunged into hija's wardrobe!!!! Found a pair of missing glasses.

I am really tired now.

Mr N relaxing in front of some stupid prog on sky, I am going to watch Philomena (shhh! downloaded on internet!)

Was going to make two curries but a) the chicken is taking too long to defrost and b) cba!. so we are going to have smoked salmon carbonara.

Will do small shop tomorrow locally!
we are doing serious lolling. The wind is blowing a hooley outside.
Agree re Vesta woofy, I lived on them in my London days in the late 60's, I loved the beef curry and the risotto, but had one last year, it was vile.

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