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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Was wondering how Lottie is, anyone know, I was hoping she'd be back by now!
Morning all...white rabbits and white frost! Lovely sunny, crisp day, shame it hasn't been like this all winter.

Yes, Ozzy's problem is a new one to me, every ailment is an education these days. We can only hope it turns out his nasty crushed and broken foot did. That could have been so different if it hadn't healed well.
Oh look Twiggy has a tummy too!!
that's her bumbag. See, you could look like that, only striped.
Twiggy was on tv a week or two ago, Loose Women I think, I'll stare at any old rubbish when I'm ill, and she looked great. (There were close ups) She was wearing the blue suede jacket from her new collection ...I loved it until I saw it was £199 :(
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Morning all,
Not all sunny here :(
Sloshing with rain when I surfaced at .So we sloshed to the market and I'm all stocked up again with brussels tops ,bread and spuds etc.
I nearly fell off my perch when my brother turned up wearing a very snazzy trilby hat ! I've never ever seen him wear any type of hat other than his police one .He looked very smart .He said he bought it to keep his hearing aid from getting wet ...silly b :)
Well Robi we would all look great with a make-up artist and a £199 jacket.
Small amount if shopping done and unpacked, now having a bacon and cheese baguette and coffee before we go the the water place to refill our millions of waterr bottles for €1.
Yippee got 2 x2 on €millions = 16€, that's as near as I'll ever get.
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Perhaps she was just having a bad hair day. She always looks nice on teevee or in the ads .
lol shaney, a trilby, very pop star :)

Well there's a coincidence've won the equivalent of £13.20. I've just had a letter to say the £5.65 I found in the old PO savings book (which had been in there since 1976) is now worth £13.25. So I'm 5p richer than you...ner ner.

You all look fabulous today btw...
We ate having beers in an empty pub, just us and a bar person.
Stupid phone *are* not ate
Good morning all. Been and had my hair trimmed -love it. Letting it grow to the same length all over but into my neck at the back and a fringe at the front - if you see what I mean.
Had one upset. I took a bottle of water with me in case of coughing and am I glad I did. When I'd finished at the hair dressers I nipped next door to Tescos and my tickle started and I couldn't stop coughing for about 10 minutes. I stood outside coughingy my head off and trying to drink water. Horrible it was.
Anyway that's this mornings session over with and now it's ironing and Derby County playing against Burnley on the radio.
Robi I hope Ossies eye problem gets sorted very soon and that you are feeling much better now.
Your brother sounds very dapper Shaney. My dad always wore a trilby more than a cap.
I think about Lottie quite a lot and wonder how she is doing. So Lottie. if you're reading this give us a Hi! We're all hoping you are well.
Hope you and your sister are ok Woofy and enjoying yourselves.
Jno I'm not really prodigal. Just when it comes to pans. :-)
Right ironing here I come. See yer later 'gaters!
Had a terrific "social" afternoon, finally home bathed and hair washed and in pj's. Eaten banana sarnie and now cosy in front of fire watching Columbo. Mr N snoring for Britain!
Just had baked pot with butter and cheese, delish.

Watched "One chance" Paul Potts story, it was really nice, I wept a little teeny bit!
slumped in front of the computer all day copying names from pieces of paper onto my family tree. I don't know which is worse, the ones 100 years ago who were all called Ethel and Mildred and had 12 kids, or the recent ones who have a string of spouses or none and name their children Desiree and Brandyn. I am going to go out tomorrow, it doesn't matter where.
i hate not sleeping Media URL:
try again Media URL:
screw it

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