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Al Fayed Gate

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davebro3 | 07:38 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | News
11 Answers

It is inconceivable that the decision not to prosecute Al Fayed over the alleged rape of a 15 year old was not taken at the highest level. Was Starmer simply incompetent or was he bought/warned off?



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//Fayed's family did not provide a statement when asked for comment.//

Money walks away from their crimes😪

Have you got a link to the alleged rape of a15 year old?

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whatever - there were multiple allegations & police involvement in the noughties. He was just too rich/powerful/well-connected for the cowards in the CPS to do their duty.

Why is everyone feigning shock that a powerful muslim immigrant took advantage of underage British girls?

//He was just too rich/powerful/well-connected//

That's what happens when your son is bonking royalty

Filthy old sleazebag.

And all a bit late to be bringing it up now; he's long gone.

In fairness,  Fayed had form in buying off corrupt Tory politicians (Neil Hamilton/Jonathan Aitken & others) in the cash-for-questions debacle.  Whether he tried it on with Starmer is anyone's guess.

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He's long gone but those whose actions (or inaction) failed to see justice done still walk amongst us.

Very few rape/sexual assault reports get to court. Less than 2% result in conviction.  Incredibly difficult to prove, regardless of who is accused.

It's a sad situation 



The interview I heard said that the alleged victims didn't complain to the police because he was powerful and had access to expensive lawyers. They complained to HR who paid them off.


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Al Fayed Gate

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