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Wall Mounted Tv

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jaynethepain | 15:01 Sun 14th Sep 2014 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
We are going to put a tv on the wall, are all new TVs wall-mountable? Sure this is quite obvious but it doesn't seem to say on the websites. Thank you


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if there flat yes you buy the corr bracket for the tv, it comes with the bolts etc but check the wall is strong enough to hold the tv i.e. not plaster board
Question Author
So we just need to get a flat one? Sorry about such a simple question.....everyone seems to have one except us!
you cant buy any other type other now jayne
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That's the kind of answer I wanted Ivor, thank you x
I would be very careful if you or your OH intends to fit the brackets on the Wall, " HIDEN WIRES"

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Wall Mounted Tv

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