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melv16 | 10:33 Wed 29th Mar 2017 | Shopping & Style
25 Answers
I ordered a new pair of varifocals in February after an eye test.
I've had to send them back twice, due to them being useless. I got them back on Friday and the result is just the same. It has taken 6 weeks for Boots to sort them out.
Am I within my rights to refuse the spectacles and get my money back?


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6 weeks seems a long time for something as simple as pair of glasses Melv.....I would say, yes it is reasonable. There are plenty of Opticians these days.
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They were also supposed to phone me at 9-30 this still waiting :-(
With Specsavers they told me if i didn't get on with varifocals after a certain amount of time, I could get my money back. Perhaps Boots are the same.

(I haven't tried yet, I plan to later this year)
I suggest you have another eye test elsewhere and compare the prescriptions.

As your glasses are unfit for purpose you should get a full refund.
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Thanks for the replies and the link, scorp.
Are these you first varifocals? The fit of the lenses in varifocals is more critical than ordinary lenses as the centre of each lens needs to be aligned accurately with the eye. Twice now, once by Boots and once by Specsavers, I've had to have the lenses replaced, both times with no fuss. It seems that I hold my head more upright than many people but, when having the new frames measured for the lenses, they get me to look at an unusual angle (if that makes sense).
Specsavers said the same to me. They take a while to get used to so they advised I use them for a month or so and see how I got on and if not they'd change the lenses for normal FOC.
I had my first varifocals a couple of months ago from Specsavers and they were brilliant but I lost them! Ordered a replacement which is meant to be the exact same prescription but they definitely aren't as good so I need to go back. Sorry that doesn't help you does it! I'd think you're entitled to your money back - 6 weeks seems ridiculously long!
I lost mine too. They are in the house somewhere!!! Luckily I got specsavers 2 for 1 offer and opted for a normal pair as well. If I lose these I'm fecked...
Perhaps we should also ask "What do you mean by useless"? Is distant vision not clear? Do you have difficulty reading with them? Did they explain (if it's your first pair of varifocals) that you have to move your head a little more than with normal lenses? If you can explain your problem we might be able to give you pointers to the solution - varifocals are much more convenient than bifocals once you get used to them.
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It's my second pair of varies, I've had the first for over 3yrs. The close up vision is fine. It's the distance that's the problem.
I've just been on to Boots and I've got yet another appointment on Saturday morning. They had no record of my phone call yesterday.... Not good at all...
That is exactly the problem I had with mine - looking at a distant object it was blurred but if I tilted my head downwards a little it came sharp. If the specs are in your possession can you try that to see if that's the problem? It's very difficult to put your head into exactly the position you normally have it when they're trying to work out where the centre of the lens should be because they have you sitting, not standing.
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I've tried that, hc. I can't go around with my chin touching my chest :-)
I wasn't suggesting that melv, but if doing it makes things sharp it does imply that the lens centre is wrong - something to tell the optician when you see him.
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I have to do the chin in chest to watch the TV with the new specs, or stick them at the end of my nose :-)
It sounds very much like they've got the centre point wrong. When they check again try to sit back in the chair and hold your head straight. I have a tendency to lean forward when they're trying to line them up for the lens centre and that makes me look out of the top of the specs.
Ummmm mine are in the house too!!ive literally tipped every cupboard and drawer out- god knows where they are!
looked on top of your head smow ? lol x
Melv the same happened to both me and my daughter with varifocals at Boots. Not very helpful for you but when this happened I did a search on line and found a lot of people were unhappy with them. We shan't be using them again.

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