My sister and I both volunteer in different Charity Shops. Her one has said they must charge for all carrier bags given out even the old supermarket ones that have been given in with donated goods. I can understand the charge for new carrier bag if that is what her charity wants to do but my argument is that "supermarket" bags etc have already been paid for and have probably been used several times. Just wondered what anyone else thought.
I am surprised that they have taken that decision because as you say the bags have already been paid for. I have a lot of bags I was going to give to the charity shops, i think I shall now pass them on to food banks.
The charity I work for do not charge for bags as most of the ones we give out are used ones. We do still need them so perhaps you could ask at your charity shop what their policy is, although passing onto a food bank is just as good
supermarket bags have already been paid for ... well, so has everything else, that's what charity shops do, recycle used goods. They don't have to charge for them, as gromit says the charge is for new bags; but they can if they want.
Ive never been charged for a carrier bag in a charity shop before.and I certainly wouldnt expect to pay for a one thats already been used before.
When customers donate goods to them they always give it to them free anyway. Whenever I go shopping I always carry my own carrier bags anyway.