All answers are to do with LONDON eg: His majesty`s annoyance (5,5)= Kings Cross.
4. Get ladies` underwear here? (9,4).
5. Wet fine grained soil, acts of mischief (8).
7. 19, not his fastener. People`s dwellings. (8,6).
11. "Auntie" (1,1,1).
17. Fruit, fib. Rex`s and Regina`s (6,5).
21. Measures a square mile (3, 4).
22. High ranking marines form this. ......bishop (9,4).
23. Celebration. Vestibule (8,4).
26. Seashells sold here, throw out (10).
27. Pork product, quiet, in place of. Former P.M. (9,5).