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Lazy Susan. Where Has She Gorn?

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allenlondon | 15:32 Sat 27th Jun 2020 | Shopping & Style
42 Answers
A few years ago I bought some Lazy Susan turntables (10", 25cm), very flat design, pictured here:
And now I can't find them anywhere on the web. Any ideas where I should be looking?




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I’ve changed direction, as on receipt of the £5.89 one and finding it awful (almost didn’t turn at all!) I have ordered an aluminium lazy susan BEARING - then I’ll try and mount the cheapo bamboo circle onto the quality bearing. Might work.
Too big Danny.
Ah! OK.
Question Author
Thanks danny, looks better than the cheapo Chinese one.

Wrong size for me, though (I want 25cm, see my original post).

There IS a brilliant version I’ve been chasing for weeks, the Macaron 25cm tempered glass turntable, but it’s hard to find, and even those who claim to have it DON’T when you try and order it.

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Thanks danny, the ebay bearing ones are just the ones I've gone for.

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I'm still pursuing those that I showed the photos of in my original question, and think I've found them, but if you're of a nervous disposition, don't look at the price...

I've ordered one, which takes weeks (they come from the States), but in the long term might be cheaper than the d.i.y. route.

Have you tried Lakeland?
A bit late but the same one (same brand, part number etc) is on Amazon - useful to know if you decide to get another. User Recommendation
When this was first posted I saw '25cm lazy susan' .. I initialy thought "how useless can that be, when you are going to store it in a cupboard"
The original question had me visualising reaching across the table to spin a selection of dishes around to the person sitting opposite ! You wont get much of a selection on something smaller than a dinner plate .. then perhaps they are eating off the same plate was my conclusion ?
How wrong you can be ?
They can be very useful for all sorts of situation, like when you need the spice jar that's at the very back of a high cupboard.

I used to have one for my TV too before they became so light a child could lift them.
Visions of a spinning device supporting jars at height ..
Not a good combination !
Ha ha, you turn it rather than spin it - it's not a circus trick Alva.
No need for allen to chase any longer .. in stock, just get your card out !
He's ordered one he says.
Rude of me, well found.
I'd have consulted a spin doctor at the beginning and saved a bit of time. :-)
Were I to put one on my little table I could keep my beer on it !
Then when it was empty, I could ring my bell and spin it around. The empty would then get replaced and spun back towards me. Must tell the wife I have a great idea .. something that we can do together !

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