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Barsel | 21:19 Tue 17th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I recently ordered something on ebay that cost £40. After I had ordered and paid for it, I went back to the page to look at it again, and there I saw in small type, 'If this is your first order with us and is more than £15, enter Purchase 20 at the checkout and you can claim £20% off the price.' When I finished kicking myself, I contacted the seller straight away to ask if they could still offer this as a goodwill gesture, but they didn't reply. I have emailed them everyday since, but they will not reply. Is there anything else I can do?


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These are usually covered by Sainsbury’s(they have a deal with the Nectar points) so unless applied at checkout, I very much doubt the seller is in a position to do so, they’d be out of pocket.
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I didn't know that ChillDoubt. You'd think they would have the decency to explain that though. Now you've mentioned it, this is where it was.

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