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Will It Snow This December?

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AB Editor | 10:19 Thu 08th Dec 2022 | Weather
16 Answers

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  • It has already snowed where I am. - 51 votes
  • 29%
  • Yes! - 39 votes
  • 22%
  • I hope not! - 22 votes
  • 13%
  • Who Cares? - 20 votes
  • 11%
  • No. - 18 votes
  • 10%
  • How do I know? I'm not a weather person. - 15 votes
  • 9%
  • I hope so! - 9 votes
  • 5%

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Stats until: 14:00 Sat 21st Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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It’s snowing in north east Scotland .
i sincerely hope not,
It'll snow somewhere in the UK, probably already has in Scotland.
Snow overnight in East Lothian. ?more to follow.
It was snowing before 2.30 a.m. today. Not a lot but it has frozen on top of wet roads and the main road to Scarborough is blocked by a jackknifed lorry. East Yorkshire - guess who was going to go shopping in Scarborough today?
Slight sprinkling in Norfolk this morning.
its currently a beautiful bright sky no clouds at all.
I hope so. Love the snow. Wish I could still go skiing.

If I had to go to work of course I wouldn't want snow! But seeing how beautiful the garden looks when covered in it and untouched lifts my heart.
I'd love it to snow, my dog would go ballistic! He's only ever seen it once and he loved it, but it didn't last. It's so lovely when it first falls, but not so lovely if it turns to ice.
When one of my JRs was about a year old it snowed and he poked his head out of the dog door, didn't want to go any further, and did what he always does when he doesn't understand something, gave it a good solid barking at! That'll sort it!
11:16, can I have BA Ed!
especially where we are
It already has up here. The Snowdonia mountain range and the Crimea Pass up over Blaenau Ffestiniog has been white with snow for a couple of days now. No snow as yet down here on the coast but there were flurries of flakes in Betwys Y Coed yesterday when I was there. We are expecting a snow proper on Friday afternoon through to Saturday looking at the weather patterns. It looks like the LLyn Peninsular and Anglesey will be getting it first tomorrow and I expect heads up warnings from acquaintances who live in those parts. It is bleddy cold and getting colder.
Had snow overnight on the east coast of Scotland and the forecast is for more to come. Hey, it's December in Scotland - let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
A poll for polar conditions ;-)
TORATORATORA, you often ask to be given Best Answer, no-one else does so why do you?

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Will It Snow This December?

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