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Oxfam Online Sale Starts Today

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wolf63 | 16:06 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers

The Oxfam online sale starts today.

There is a vast range of books, clothing, music, films and collectables in the sale.  

This is a link to the best bookshop.




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Surely someone is interested in buying old books with 40% off the price.

our local Oxfam shop, is one of the dearest charity shops in town.  Shame, as everything they have in there, cost them nothing.  The best, is an animal charity, that will ask you to make an offer on the price advertised if you want it, but can't afford it. 

Thanks for the links. Great for old CDs to play in my car.

one DVD???

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Oxfam Online Sale Starts Today

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