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Are You A Fizzy Drinks Drinker - Good Offer In Iceland.

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wolf63 | 18:05 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers

There is currently a deal at The Food Warehouse/Iceland which reduces the cost of a 500ml bottle of some fizzy juice to under £1, it will cost £1.50 per bottle in most supermarkets

12 x 500ml bottles of Pepsi/Tango/7-up for £11.

24 x 500ml bottles of Pepsi/Tango/7-up for £18

60 x 500ml bottles of Pepsi/Tango/7-up for £40.

I usually buy my Pepsi Max in bulk from Amazon - Iceland's deal is better.





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Yeah, they have got good offers at the moment Wolf. I just bought packs of 24 x 330ml cans of Pepsi Max for £6.95, which is a great price. They had other varieties too like Dr Pepper, Tango, 7UP etc. 

My deal was at Iceland btw.

My Cruzcampo was a tenner for ten 440ml cans. 😁

Does this apply to Pepsi Max?

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Sinead - yes, that is my favourite.

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I spaced the op out neatly.  Its all messed up now.

Douglas, thats a good price.

Netty, I bought some tins of Caffeine free Pepsi max last week

I hope the offer goes on for a few weeks.  I want to stock up whilst I can.

Me too, thanks Wolfy

Yeah I wanted caffeine free Pepsi Max actually Wolf, although I do drink the normal one too, but our Iceland is only a small branch and although listed on the offer I was told it was only at their larger branches.

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