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Lidl Plus App.?

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cleoval | 18:47 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers

Hi Has anyone on here got the Lidl Plus App and what do you think of it please.?  Is it worth it.? TIA.



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Yes, i have the Lidl Plus App and i do often find it useful.

Usually they will show you 7 or 8 special offers which are tailored to your shopping trends (depending on what you normally buy) and also offer 30% discount on all bakery items after 7pm (handy if you are a late evening shopper) 

You also get an extra little bonus for every £50 you spend in a calendar month 


I hate loyalty schemes & try to avoid stores that have them. Thankfully Aldi have not gone there (yet).

I agree with surreyman. Well worth it especially offers on wine.

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Lidl Plus App.?

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