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Which Outfit For Saturday?

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abbeylee90 | 15:21 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
16 Answers

I'm going to this restaurant and a night out Saturday.

(Sorry to ask)



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Try the outfit at the lower left of your picture. 

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Pink one?

Top right is what I think would be more suitable for a restaurant. I prefer bare arms to bare midriffs and slashed tops. 

Yes, the pink one.

Not the 3 with cut outs, they look tarty.

*Shudder* at all of them.

Serious question - would you rather look cheap and tarty or classy? I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to make suggestions but those options you've put a link to are, without wishing to cause offence, just hideous

Tbh Abbey,too many of your outfits make it look like you are on the pull. Sorry...they do not look like restaurant dresses or tops.

And, if you are on the're not likely to find Mr Right in those.

All are tarty.

All too rauchy, have a bit of style

-- answer removed --

I think that's just as bad as the others. 

Good afternoon, I am very surprised that you are going out. The fits leave you too tired and worried about work, I think you would be better off resting.

No doubt you'll tell us you've already got all these 'outfits'; you must have a wardrobe as big as a Primark superstore!

How are you paying for this on 10 hours work a week?

Top right.  Abbey is asking which outfit she should wear.  She likes the clothes so it matters little whether we like them or not.  We haven't got to wear them.  She isn't asking for other opinions or advice in other areas. 

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The seizure was last Thursday, this meal is Saturday and I been going to work.

Abbey, I think one problem is that you keep showing us the same outfits over and over again - and most people here don't like any of them! You'd be better asking a friend.

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Which Outfit For Saturday?

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