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Inflation Shrinkage

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DTCwordfan | 20:02 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
21 Answers

I bought a 9 pack of Waitrose bog rolls about 4 months, 240 sheets per roll. Just bought a 4 pack and noticed how 'slim' they were on my loo-roll holder and, lo and behold, it's now 190 sheets and that's what they are advertising on both packs. £4 for the 9 rolls, £2 for four..... But how can they justify 26.316% inflation.....?

Other examples and let's name and shame them....



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The sheet sizes are smaller too.  Watch how you wipe

you ain't seen nothin yet!

They don't need to justify it...just as you don't have to buy them.

I beg to differ - everyone has to buy loo roll. 

^^from Waitrose.

curlyfries, you don't need toilet roll.  There are other ways of keeping yourself clean.

Yeah: I'm going to give that toilet brush another try.

that's scraping the bottom!

bidet's used to be popular - I always found them a faff & they seem to have fallen out of fashion

It's all that poking and prodding to get rid. Better just using the toilet.

😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   

Bidet sprays are gaining popularity, especially the thermostatically controlled ones.  There is a nack to using them though

Inflation shrinkage - a puncture.

My house had a bidet when I moved in.  I used to wash my feet in it, but eventually had it taken out and replaced with a shower.

I think the trend has been towards much smaller bath/shower rooms*. No space for a bidet.

*In new build "affordable" homes & renovation projects.

It looks like you are comparing apples with pairs.  

Buying in 'bulk' is often cheaper as there are less costs involved all round.  In the case of bog roll many are now opting for large rolls, which looks like the 9-pack is.  Its quite possible they are from different manufacturers.

The answer surely is simple, buy the 9-pack.

On the sibject of bidets I took quite a few out for people about 20 years ago.  Took ours out too, put a cupboard and some fancy vase there, much more useful.  (Not the vase).

Of course, there is always Izal.....

Never really understood the process of using a bidet. Does everyone share a towel ? Do each get their own, but guests have to share ? Do all have to use paper towels and cope with the wet bits that stick to their rear, and have a large wastepaper bin to chuck them all in ? Or is there a hair drier left for use on the window sill ? Seems to me the only practical ones are those now manufactured in the east which have integral blow dry.

I try not to find other examples of shrinkflation as I find it deceitful and annoying.

I think shrinkflation may not be all bad. If you only eat 1 choc bar and it's smaller there may be fewer obese people?

Do they still sell king size chocolate bars?  I tried a king size Mars bar and couldn't eat it all.  

I haven't bought a standard bar of chocolate for over a decade but noticed them a while back at the checkout.  I was shocked at how small they are now, and how expensive.  

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