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I'm Looking For A Small Reading Lamp

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pastafreak | 17:56 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers

Specifically one that will fit in a small deep 12" x 12" shelf area, yet cast a wide beam of light. This would replace the current floor lamp...part of which is shown below. Not sure if what I want exists 🤔 ...would prefer Amazon. 






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Not Amazon (sorry!) but I was looking for a new lamp in Dunelm yesterday and I was impressed by their range (except, of course, that the one I particularly wanted wasn't in stock at the store that I'd chosen!)

Perhaps they might have something that ticks all of your boxes?

Does it have to be beautiful or would a traditional reading lamp do? User Recommendationref=sr_1_3

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Oh...thank you both. Not sure why I didn't think of Dunelm Chris, and your suggestion Barry may do.

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I'm Looking For A Small Reading Lamp

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