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Which Outfit For My Next Interview?

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abbeylee90 | 20:32 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
37 Answers

It's time I bought something new 



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You must have something that looks smart, ideally something fairly plain. I'd leave buying yourself something until you get a new job

Seriously, dark trousers or skirt and sensible top.

Question Author

It's for an interview so have to be before new job 

Haven't you got something in your wardrobe that you could wear?

None of them. The one on the right is revolting.

in reality, youre probably going to have a lot of interviews coming up, so id by a plain skirtor trousers and a white shirt

Navy skirt or trousers with navy and white shirt

Black skirt or trousers with smart shirt

No animal prints or large patterns. Shirts should be plain or with small discreet pattern. You have asked this question before and had plenty of answers

If the job is for a hostess in a club then any of them 😂 why buy new clothes for an interview you must have more clothes in your wardrobe than primark 🤣

Question Author

Because I don't know what to wear anymore 

that implies there was a time when you DID know what to wear!

The black & white spotted one with black trousers.

You won't go wrong with black trousers and a white or cream shirt, Abbey.

Have you actually got an interview arranged Abbey?

Your hair colour and complexion are the two most important points to consider when choosing what colours to wear next to your face.  For instance I can't wear black tops, only skirt or trousers.  All non white people can wear black.  I can wear all the colours in a Summer border and that's it.  Treat yourself to a book called, "Colour me Beautiful".  Only £3.72 no postage on eBay.

Audrey Hepburn was a knockout in a black dress. 

Is it groundhog day today?

Madgeorge -you have made your feelings clear about this poster on some of her earlier questions.

If you have nothing constuctive to add then please just ignore any thread abbeylee90 puts up.


-- answer removed --

Do you really mean that Canary? And Secret Mod don't you think it would be constructive to put up a sticky telling everyone that abbbey is a very special case and absolutely no member is ever allowed to say anything to her that's even slightly negative. Just stay away as she's more value to the site than most other people put together. Hopefully if you did that you'd get the result you claim to want. Only the same 2 or 3 posters answering her.. 

Buy a suit, wear it to interviews, save all this stuff.

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Which Outfit For My Next Interview?

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