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What Do I Wear With This Dress?

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abbeylee90 | 18:37 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers

Black or cream tights or bare legs?



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Don't wear it; it's terrible.

Just don't wear it, please.

Good evening,

as the dress has come hither vibes you may as well go the whole hog and go bare legged.

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A pair of knickers would be a good idea.

abbeylee - did you read my posts.  Did you properly understand others?  That dress is 'tarty' , is what people have been trying to say, so 'do not wear it' is the message. Please re-read posts carefully.  :)

Abbey, I think most of those outfits are awful - and you've been showing us the same ones, similar ones, for months. If the majority of people on AB don't like them , maybe we are the wrong people to be asking?

Put  a fur coat over it.

knickers,shoes, a cardigan if you need one,and a coat/hat if it is raining

Sorry to disappoint, but I share the horror at all those outfits.

Abby why do you want to look like a street walker?  Either flesh showing all over the place or leopard print.  Are you still trying to find a boyfriend?  You will attract the wrong type with these 'clothes'.

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What Do I Wear With This Dress?

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