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Scottish Field Crossword No.10

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GUILDFORDMAN | 12:38 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
23 Answers


2."LARGE MINNOW" (6,6)

3. "SHOCKING" (4) possibly ---U

Can anyone help,please?



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1 Hamifare

2 Bggie Minnie

3 Awfu (awfu')

iffy ....awfu?

sorry neveracrossword didn't see you therex

Mally, I don't think it's iffy - it's in my Scottish dictionary.

Mally, we crossed - and it was fine!

thanks x

Ta, Mally - and I'm sure the OP realised your 2  was Biggie Minnie...

Question Author

Thanks all, and yes I guessed it was Biggie Minnie! Trouble is, that missing"i" has made my "Migraine (6)" wrong-I thought that was "HeadAche". "Biggy" couldn't possibly be "Baggy", could it?

2 Baggie Minnow - I probably guessed Mally's answer wrongly, sorry! 

oh i'm sorry i didn't realise i'd left the a out x

Question Author

That's a relief....thanks. Just 2 more and then I will leave you Scots experts in peace.

1. WILFUL (8)  -R-I-G-N

2. PAST (6) -Y-A-E


2 Bygone?

2 Bygane - more Scottish!

Question Author

Thanks, Mark-but not if your "HamifAre" is right

1 Breengin is in my dictionary, but there are sometimes variant spellings...

Anybody seen Mark? 😁

Ta, Nac, Scottish not my strong point.

 Journey of a bride.... Hamefare in my dictionary...

Hope we have helped, Guildfordman - but giving new clues with the earlier 1, 2 numbers makes things a wee bit confusing... Is everything sorted now?

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Scottish Field Crossword No.10

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